Kubota V3800-T NEW

Kubota V3800-T NEW

Kubota V3800-T NEW

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Градежна машина Kronen Gewa 3800V ECO
Објавено: 1мес 14ден
Објавено: 1мес 14ден
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Отвори директориумОваа реклама беше отстранета од нашата база на податоци. Сепак, можете да испратите формулар "Посакувано возило": Kronen Gewa 3800V ECO
Поставете оглас "Потребна е техника"Leaf vegetable such as.
- Leaf lettuce
- Rock lettuce
- Spinach
- Radicchio
- With circulation pump
- Material of all pipes, pump cases, wash and pump tanks: AISI 304 stainless steel
- Size washing tank 150 x 50 cm
- With return reservoir
Washing machine GEWA with vibration outfeed (product outfeed over vibration screen)
for medium capacities, for example approx. 200-1000 kg per hour, depending on product.
Efficient and gentle washing of lettuces, vegetables and fruit by means of adjustable water rotation.
Heavy dirt particles (like small stones) and sand are removed from the product flow and settled separately in the sand trap, at the bottom of the wash tank. Thus we avoid the sand particles to return to the product flow.
Compact and modular construction
- Simple maintenance (quality stainless steel material)
- Easy and efficient cleaning
- Low operating costs
More information or a quote? Do this quick and easily via the Duijndam Machines website! You can also give us a call.
See all the available machines at our website.
- Since 1977 supplier of reliable used agricultural and horticultural equipment
- Machines are checked for delivery
- Experienced team
- We can help you with getting the machine to your company
Duijndam Machines
The specialist in used agriculture and horticulture machinery
More information
Field of application: Horticulture
Оваа понуда е само за информативни цели. Ве молиме потврдете ги деталите директно од продавачот.
The seller didn't indicate the price
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Отвори директориумОваа реклама беше отстранета од нашата база на податоци. Сепак, можете да испратите формулар "Посакувано возило": Kronen Gewa 3800V ECO
Поставете оглас "Потребна е техника"Оваа понуда е само за информативни цели. Ве молиме потврдете ги деталите директно од продавачот.